Thursday, June 4, 2009


A club emblazoned with funky swiveling lights, and mist that delude patrons into thinking they are in a surreal paradise.

Add in the loud music, hot women and intoxication of alcohol.

The perfect formula for madness.

My experience could be aptly summarised in 8 words:


The sight of the dancing horde made me wonder about many things:

1) Are their lives so sad/ tense that they resort to chilling out in hell?
2) Don't these people have to work the following morning? Hello, it's 3am already.
3) Do these people even have a future?

My first clubbing experience was bad. I'm never going to a club again.

And just in case you were wondering: Nope, I didn't dance. I stood by a corner, watching Jonathan, Cissy, Madeline and another Cissy indulge themselves in the euphoric atmosphere. Dancing isn't my thing. And more importantly, I needed to sober up.

It may be a paradise for many, but definitely not mine.

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